Pictures Foxhunting 2003


Fox @ Hamme 05/1999

Our 'standard' long distance antenna setup...

Fox @ Dessel 05/1999

                                                Find the antenna...                     Find the fox (car)                          Find the fox (car)

Fox @ Ranst 11/1999

Foxhunting @ Ham (Near Tessenderlo) 06/1999



Foxhunting @ Tielen 29/06/2002




Foxhunting @ ?? Tom en Quattro vastgereden 29/06/2002



Foxhunting @ Herentals 18/08/2002


Foxhunting @ 10/11/2002



Foxhunting @ Malle Quattro meets Tree 23/11/2002 + Repaired 28/11/2002


Foxhunting @ 10/11/2002


Pick on and pull out ... ;-)

Foxhunting @ 07/12/2002



Poedel (Red corrado) and Bakker (Black Golf) stuck. I broke 1 5 Tons towing line and my 6mm steel wire on this one.

My 8m 10t towing line was the only thing that hold it but then i needed to come to close and didn't had a firm grip on the road.

My design measuring antenne is the result of the broken steel wire ;-(

Foxhunting @ Arendonk 15/12/2002


Jumbu stuck in the mud, Quattro had no problems to pull him our.

Foxhunting @ Postel 21/12/2002, needed the winch 4 times for this one road




Foxhunting @ Aarschot 28/12/2002


                                        Bambi on the road ;-)            The sierra of Jumbo stuck in the mud





Pictures Foxhunting 2003