D-ATV TEST to ON0MTV, Airport Deurne 26/02/2003

Test from Deurne has FAILED, no picture.


                                D-ATV RX, 10Ghz RX 2370 input      Myself on the phone                    Our mobile shack with 10 Ghz RX

                                2370 TX and D-ATV TX                     Stefan ON1HH

                                And Alex ON1AFM 


                                                                                                                    Top antenna: 23cm tonna

                                                                                                                    Lower antenna: 13cm RSE

 D-ATV TEST to ON0MTV, E19 Rumst 26/02/2003

Test from Rumst: SUCCES !


26-02-2003 around 22h

Settings: Freq: 1287 Mhz, Symbol rate: 6000, Feq: 1/2

Equipment: TX with PA, antenna 23cm tonna 9m a 10m above ground level.


                                Simple setup: D-ATV RX               D-ATV Transmitter                        Our car with shack and at the top

                                D-ATV TX with PA                                                                              of the picture the antenna...

D-ATV TEST to ON0MTV, E19 Rumst 26/02/2003

Vistit from Walter ON4BCB




Capures from on4fin from my website (Live pictures ON0MTV)

Picture route: D-Atv tx @ rumst, D-atv input 1287 Mhz ON0MTV, analog atv output 1255 Mhz, 

RX @ schoten and via java webcam on the net with adsl uplink to on4fin's internet explorer