70 cm  Power-Amplifier  100 Euro

    with  Valvo Triode TBL 2/500 (8120)

    UHF-TV-amplifier - with commercial Power-Supply
    output TV-sync >400W - SSB/CW up to 1 kW


430MHz AM VIDEO TRANSMITTER KIT 78.4 Aus $ => 46,5 Euro

High level Amplitude Modulated video transmitter for the 70cm Amateur band, built on a 71x100mm PC board.  The design uses a sync stretcher & high level modulation to overcome the linearity requirements when transmitting TV signals, & produces up to 100mW, ( +20dBm ) output.  The kit only requires 2 coils to be wound, & uses printed tuned inductors on the PC board for the output amplifier stages so it is easy to tune up.  The complete Kit includes a professional plated PC board, & all onboard components, requires miscellaneous hardware & Crystal to complete.

70cm lineair+voeding(psu rs203+pa rs2062) 100 Euro
    in 19 inch kast.
    60mW in 80/90 uit
    wegens overcompleet
    vanaf 100 Euro
    of een goed bod